Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales Complete List

Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales [Complete List]

Are you looking for the complete list of the Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales? Or do you want to know more about them and their collection of fairy tales? Read on…

Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales: The Complete List

  1. The Frog Prince
  2. Cat and Mouse in Partnership
  3. Mary’s Child
  4. The Story of the Youth Who Went Forth to Learn What Fear Was
  5. The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats
  6. Faithful John
  7. The Good Bargain
  8. The Wonderful Musician
  9. The Twelve Brothers
  10. The Pack of Ragamuffins
  11. Little Brother and Little Sister
  12. Rapunzel
  13. The Three Little Men in the Woods
  14. The Three Spinners
  15. Hansel and Gretel
  16. The Three Snake-Leaves
  17. The White Snake
  18. The Straw, the Coal, and the Bean
  19. The Fisherman and His Wife
  20. The Brave Little Tailor
  21. Cinderella
  22. The Riddle
  23. The Mouse, the Bird, and the Sausage
  24. Mother Holle
  25. The Seven Ravens
  26. Little Red Riding Hood
  27. The Bremen Town Musicians
  28. The Singing Bone
  29. The Devil with the Three Golden Hairs
  30. The Louse and The Flea
  31. The Girl Without Hands
  32. Clever Hans
  33. The Three Languages
  34. Clever Elsie
  35. The Tailor in Heaven
  36. Wishing Table, Gold Ass, and Cudgel in the Sack
  37. Thumbling
  38. The Wedding of Mrs. Fox
  39. The Elves and the Shoemaker
  40. The Robber Bridegroom
  41. Herr Korbes
  42. The Godfather
  43. Mother Trudy
  44. Godfather Death
  45. Thumbling’s Travels
  46. Fitcher’s Bird
  47. The Juniper Tree
  48. Old Sultan
  49. The Six Swans
  50. Sleeping Beauty
  51. Fundevogel
  52. King Thrushbeard
  53. Snow White
  54. The Knapsack, the Hat, and the Horn
  55. Rumpelstiltskin
  56. Sweetheart Roland
  57. The Golden Bird
  58. The Dog and the Sparrow
  59. Frederick and Catherine
  60. The Two Brothers
  61. The Little Peasant
  62. The Queen Bee
  63. The Three Feathers
  64. The Golden Goose
  65. All-Kinds-Of-Fur
  66. The Hare’s Bride
  67. The Twelve Huntsmen
  68. The Thief and His Master
  69. Jorinde and Joringel
  70. The Three Children of Fortune
  71. How Six Men Got On in the World
  72. The Wolf and the Man
  73. The Wolf and the Fox
  74. The Fox and His Cousin
  75. The Fox and the Cat
  76. The Pink
  77. Clever Grethel
  78. The Old Man and His Grandson
  79. The Water Nixie
  80. The Death of the Little Hen
  81. Brother Lustig
  82. Gambling Hansel
  83. Hans in Luck
  84. Hans Married
  85. The Gold-Children
  86. The Fox and the Geese
  87. The Poor Man and the Rich Man
  88. The Singing, Springing Lark
  89. The Goose Girl
  90. The Young Giant
  91. The Gnome
  92. The King of the Golden Mountain
  93. The Raven
  94. The Peasant’s Clever Daughter
  95. Old Hildebrand
  96. The Three Little Birds
  97. The Water of Life
  98. Dr. Know-All
  99. The Spirit in the Bottle
  100. The Devil’s Sooty Brother
  101. Bearskin
  102. The Willow-Wren and the Bear
  103. Sweet Porridge
  104. Wise Folks
  105. Stories about Snakes
  106. The Poor Miller’s Boy and the Cat
  107. The Two Travellers
  108. Hans the Hedgehog
  109. The Little Shroud
  110. The Jew among Thorns
  111. The Skillful Huntsman
  112. The Flail from Heaven
  113. The Two Kings’ Children
  114. The Cunning Little Tailor
  115. The Bright Sun Brings It to Light
  116. The Blue Light
  117. The Willful Child
  118. The Three Army Surgeons
  119. The Seven Swabians
  120. The Three Apprentices
  121. The King’s Son Who Feared Nothing
  122. Donkey Cabbages
  123. The Old Woman in the Wood
  124. The Three Brothers
  125. The Devil and His Grandmother
  126. Ferdinand the Faithful
  127. The Iron Stove
  128. The Lazy Spinner
  129. The Four Skillful Brothers
  130. One-Eye, Two-Eyes, and Three-Eyes
  131. Fair Katrinelje and Pif Paf Poltrie
  132. The Fox and the Horse
  133. The Shoes that Were Danced to Pieces
  134. The Six Servants
  135. The White Bride and the Black One
  136. Iron John
  137. The Three Black Princesses
  138. Knoist and His Three Sons
  139. The Maid of Brakel
  140. Domestic Servants
  141. The Lambkin and the Little Fish
  142. Simeli Mountain
  143. Going Travelling
  144. The Donkey
  145. The Ungrateful Son
  146. The Turnip
  147. The Old Man Made Young Again
  148. The Lord’s Animals and the Devil’s
  149. The Beam
  150. The Old Beggar Woman
  151. The Three Sluggards / 151a The Twelve Idle Servants
  152. The Shepherd Boy
  153. The Star Money
  154. The Stolen Farthings
  155. Looking for a Bride
  156. Odds and Ends
  157. The Sparrow and His Four Children
  158. The Story of Schlauraffen Land [The Tale of Cockaigne]
  159. The Ditmarsh Tale of Wonders
  160. A Riddling Tale
  161. Snow White and Rose Red
  162. The Wise Servant
  163. The Glass Coffin
  164. Lazy Harry
  165. The Griffin
  166. Strong Hans
  167. The Peasant in Heaven
  168. Lean Lisa
  169. The Hut in the Forest
  170. Sharing Joy and Sorrow
  171. The Willow-Wren
  172. The Sole [The Flounder]
  173. The Bittern and Hoopoe
  174. The Owl
  175. The Moon
  176. The Duration of Life
  177. Death’s Messengers
  178. Master Pfriem
  179. The Goose-Girl at the Well
  180. Eve’s Various Children
  181. The Nixie of the Mill-Pond
  182. The Little Folks’ Presents
  183. The Giant and the Tailor
  184. The Nail
  185. The Poor Boy in the Grave
  186. The True Sweetheart [The True Bride]
  187. The Hare and the Hedgehog
  188. The Spindle, the Shuttle, and the Needle
  189. The Peasant and the Devil
  190. The Crumbs on the Table
  191. The Sea Hare
  192. The Master Thief
  193. The Drummer
  194. The Ear of Corn
  195. The Grave Mound
  196. Old Rinkrank
  197. The Crystal Ball
  198. Maid Maleen
  199. The Boot of Buffalo Leather
  200. The Golden Key

About this list

This list is the complete list of fairy tales from the last (1857) edition of Grimm’s Fairy Tales. The original fairy tales were collected in German, and many titles have multiple English translations. I chose the most commonly used titles.

Example: The first story is originally called ‘The Frog King, or Iron Henry.’ However, in English, this fairy tale is better known as ‘The Frog Prince,’ so I went with the latter.

About the Brothers Grimm

The Brothers Grimm are the German brothers Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm, who became famous for their collection of fairy tales (Grimm’s Fairy Tales). They lived during the early 19th century and worked as librarians and university professors. They collected and published over 200 folktales and fairy tales from various oral and written sources.

Statue of The Brothers Grimm in Hanau
Brothers Grimm Statue in Hanau

The brothers did not have an easy life and knew what it was to have little. They had to provide for their mother and siblings for much of their life.

Even so, Wilhelm once wrote: “We five people eat only three portions and only once a day.

Wilhelm married later in life with Henriette Dorothea Wild, and Jacob kept living with them. They had no children.

Besides their collection of fairy tales, they also published other works about the German language and its history.

About the Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales

From the first big edition in 1812/1815 until the last big edition in 1857, the brothers worked on their ‘Children and Household Tales,’ better known as Grimm’s Fairy Tales.

They collected these fairy tales from many different people. Most of these tales were told, but some came from written sources.

Among the people telling them stories were complete families, soldiers, maids, and even Wilhelm’s later wife, Dorothea Wild. Usually, these people visited them, and occasionally they also traveled to collect stories.

They started out trying to stay as close to the ‘original’ as possible. However, in later editions, many tales were heavily edited (mainly by Wilhelm). They made them more suitable for children, which also meant they could more easily earn some money selling their collection.

Example: In the first edition, Rapunzel is made pregnant by the prince. In the last edition, there is no notion of pregnancy.

All Questions Answered

How many Grimm’s fairy tales are there?

The final 7th edition (1857) of the Brothers Grimm’s Fairy Tales contains 200 fairy tales (and 10 legends).

Why are the Grimm Fairy Tales so dark?

There are two reasons for the darkness and violence in the Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales. Firstly these tales have their origins in more difficult, dark times. Secondly, most of these tales were initially told by adults to adults, not children.

Sources for this article

💡 Check out The Brothers Grimm Society of North America for more about the Brothers Grimm and their fairy tales.

Brothers Grimm statue by s-ms_1989 from Pixabay
Featured Image by Trixie Liko from Pixabay

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