9 Easy Draw and Tell Stories Examples [with Videos]

When I first found out about Draw And Tell Stories I was intrigued. I decided to test one out and tell it to a bunch of children. They loved it.

You might be wondering: What is a draw and tell story?

A Draw And Tell Story is a story for children you tell while drawing a picture. As you draw and the story progresses, more and more characters and objects appear on the page. At the end of the story, a final image often brings it all together.

It might be easier explained by looking at some examples. Here are 9 draw and tell stories examples for you:

1. Strange bird at the lake [Turkey]

Once upon a time, there were an old woman and an old man living close to a lake. One day the old woman saw something very strange: the fish were flying away! (…)

Final picture: Turkey (bird) – Difficulty: moderate

2. Rumbling in the sky [Hedgehog]

One morning a little creature woke up with a rumbling tummy. He found something to eat and something more. Suddenly he heard a loud scary sound. (…)

Final picture: Hedgehog – Difficulty: easy

3. Surprise in the park [Ladybug]

Friends go for a walk in the park. They agree to meet at the bench in the park. When they arrive in the park, two other friends are already there! (…)

Final picture: Ladybug – Difficulty: easy

4. No pet allowed [Alligator]

Jimmy really, really wanted a pet. He asked his mum, but she said: “I don’t know, Jimmy, we need to ask our landlord.” So they went to their landlord. (…)

Final picture: Alligator – Difficulty: moderate

5. Brother and sister build a … [Robot]

A brother called Carl and a sister called Cindy like to build things. What are they going to build in this story? (…)

Final picture: Robot – Difficulty: moderate

6. Happy Birthday! [Birthday cake]

All the daycare kids prepare for a birthday celebration. Plates, forks, etc. They decorate the room and in the end they all together have a… (…)

Final picture: Birthday cake – Difficulty: easy

7. George and the banana cream pie [Monkey]

Once upon a time, a man makes a banana cream pie. His friend George wants to help but makes a mess. Then the man leaves George alone with the pie. (…)

Final picture: Monkey – Difficulty: moderate

8. Wild boy with wild hair [Lion]

Once upon a time, there was a wild boy with wild hair. His mother wants to cut his hair, but he keeps running away (…)

Final picture: Lion – Difficulty: difficult

9. Nightwalk [Owl]

Two girls are bored and decide to go for a nightwalk. It was dark, and the door made a creaking sound when they closed it. (…)

Final picture: Owl – Difficulty: moderate

Books with Draw and Tell Stories

I recommend the book Frog’s Riddle: And other Draw and Tell Stories (link to Amazon). Be aware: for most of the draw and tell stories in this book you will need to practice a little.

You can find many more Draw and Tell Stories on the blog of Linda Meuse.

If you like this kind of story, you might also like this:

Tips for telling Draw And Tell Stories

  • Test your materials beforehand. What are you drawing with? What are you drawing on?
  • Take you time. You want the children to follow the story and also to see what is being drawn. If you go too fast you will lose the magic of this special way of telling a story.
  • Keep an example close by. It’s easy to forget a part of the drawing. When you are not sure, look at your example.
  • Accept that children will call out the end result. Most children will see the final drawing while the story is not finished yet. You can’t stop them from telling you. 🙂
  • Give the drawing a nice place where children can see it. You will find that children will look at the drawing and try to remember the story for themselves.

Children can tell these stories too!

  1. When you tell the story for the first time, it is enough for the children to listen and watch.
  2. When you tell the story for a second time, you could let them draw along with you.
  3. For the third time, you can let them draw and tell the story by themselves to a classmate.

Want to tell one of these stories online? Check out:

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